Monday, March 23, 2009

She Obviously Hates Me

What do you do when someone cuts you off as you speak?
What do you do when they think you're slacking off and haven't been attending their class for 4 for 5 times?
What do you do when they feed you what they think is the right answer?


i'm really upset. very upset. its not like i dont try okay. and i'm not f**king invisible either. i've only not gone for your studio for 2 times and not 4 or 5 times you bitch. effing go change your glasses if you cant see properly, i'm not exactly what most people call a small girl and i never excelled at the game hide n seek either. u snide thing. behind that thin smile you always give lie the daggers behind..

"oh may! do you know you are severely behind time?", " where are your plans and sections?"

well if u cared to look, did have plans and sections before during the interim and besides i dont work well with two dimensional drawings, i need to make models to visualise the space and architecture BEFORE i get started with the drawings when i'm satistfied. dont judge me because i cant do it the way you want all your minions to work.

argh. i'm so angry/upset/frustrated/desperate with studio, no, wait, school. i was THIS close, THIS close to letting the wave of emotions overcome me. As she sat there in her stupid European manner, looking at me in the condescending manner, i felt a lump form in my throat. it was horrible. i felt horrible. had zero mood to say anything else in the defense of my project. ZERO. i just sat there "uhuh-ed" my way through.

she obviously hates me.

obviously, i'm too damn dumb for my own good to think of a solution that you're happy with.

i hate you. i hate school.
but i have no choice.

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