Monday, March 31, 2008

to procrastinate is to sin

Terribly non-productive weekend just flew by. Was supposed to get Design work done cos there's Interim on Monday and i ended up NOT doing anything at all.

Paying for it now cos i'm up at this unearthly hour getting my model and stuff done for Interim later at 2. Soo last minute..bad habits die hard (or dont die at all)..

Even with beach cancelled this week, i had all the time in the world to bathe the dog (Hugo), do a rejuvenating pedicure and even go shopping for furniture but no time to do design.

Procrastinate Procrastinate Procrastinate
thats the word of the day..

oh, but one thing good came out of the weekend...*drumroll please*

for those who have not a HOOT about what i'm talking about listen close..
a few weeks ago, i had my usual craving for yummy bbq chix wings and porridge so drove all the way to Meiling Street Hawker Centre to get my fix, only to my horror to find the stall "WEST COAST BBQ CHICKEN WING & PORRIDGE" missing from its station. On the verge of tears i reluctantly left without asking the neighbouring vendors if they had any idea where they moved to. Wallowing in my misery, i spread the word to uncles and aunties who share the same love and mourned for the next few weeks for the loss.

BUT, just yesterday as i went to grandparents stall for lunch, I SAW IT! It was in the same hawker centre as my grandparents stall. UBER HAPPY..cannot describe the joy..had that for lunch instead and went ravishing to everyone how good it still is and always will be :)

happy happy happy...

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