Friday, March 28, 2008


Hello Hello Hello..
Apologies for the lack of updates but its been a horrendously busy 2 weeks. I shall feature the highlights here in this i-believe-will-be-a-very-long-post..

First Highlight :

Moving for the grandparents has been AWESOME..unpacking the boxes to find more treasure, old photographs ( almost died laughing ), seeing bit by bit every piece of furniture coming into place, it just so rewarding you know? I shan't post any picture on this one as yet cos i think it should be done when the actual house warming is held. Hopes it will be soon. Oh yes, i must add that the new house is absolutely GREAT! Its cool, bright, good view, high floor, basically everything one could ask for. So happy for my grandparents they got it, I'm sure they're really happy too! :) except for the fact that we threw away much of they're old blankets forcibly and bought them new ones..hehehe..i'm sure they're happy LAH! Anyway, the unpackings almost done, just short of a new TV console, some carpentry works and my aunt who's moving back in. CAN'T WAIT for housewarming to come!

Second Highlight :

Remember that concrete-blangadeshi project that i've been complaining about for almost a month? ITS FINALLY OVER! Although the end result didnt really turn out the way we or i envisioned it to be, looking back, it was quite fun experimenting and stuff punishing ourselves because of the impossible cuts and angles and formwork making stage. The squabbles, the money spent, the burnt nights, the burning foam, the mixing, the shoveling, the sanding, the cutting..sometimes i think we're really SOMETHING! Anyway, the name of the project was Slitty Eyes although my term of endearment for it was Slutty let your eyes savour on some pictures of the process..

Slitty Eyes aka Slutty Eyes

It all started with this lil thing above..

Pouring in the concrete..

Curing Process..

Prying away the formwork..

Digging out the foam..

Burning out the foam..

In all its raw beauty..

So there you have it my concrete-blangadeshi project in its full glory.

Third Highlight :

Beach Fiesta was eventful. Other than the weird format in which the games were played, the abundance of sandwiches, the scorching sun, the horrible tan lines. Overall, it was quite fun. Pata Pon met The Reds (which ended up being No Name and consists of Weijie n gang) in the 1st game. Subsequently, we were quite lucky to be drawn to play with not so good teams. The same luck cant be said for The Reds though. So, out of 3 matches, we only played 2, the last one was a miserable walkover by some team that could not face their defeat. Anyway, we though we had a good shot of getting into the Semis but..we only found out, after much debate and rain we missed by 9 points and were in 5th place...BOO to the Refs who were so slow in releasing up-to-date statistics. 5th is good though, highest i ever got in a beach competition :) Pata Pon was fun to play with :) I was hoping to get some pictures online for the whole thing but i guess they're not up yet..

Forth Highlight :

Call me shameless, call me show-off. I dont really care cause these are the darn nicest drawings i have ever drawn in my entire life. Okay so they might have been traced from a photogragh, but i think i did quite a decent job out of replicating them for the sake of my Theory of Urban Design and Planning Module in which i have to study the urban context of Serangoon Road and derive its GENIUS LOCI. Loosely translated as Spirit of Place. Yes, and the assignment requires all diagrams or illustrations to be manually drawn. Never in my life have i drawn like that before so just bear with me here :)

Right, so that just about sums up the highlights of the last 2 weeks. Pretty happening i must say. Got Interim Crit this coming Monday for my Design Module and i've done nothing much for it..haha..still going to beach this Sat..heh..dont ask me how i do it..i just want to :)

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