Best fliend and i
When best fliend and i are together, we do the craziest things :)
I have no patience for blogging now but i'll do it anyway since I'm trying to kill time while my hair dries so i can go to sleep.
F1 started today and the sound of the machines whizzing by made hair all over my body stand on end. It was a weird feeling, quite hard to describe but i secretly found it quite pleasurable. It made this tingly feeling inside that just made me smile. Odd really, but nice :)
(note: not even an F1 fanatic, know nuts about the sport, except Raikonnen's blue blue eyes)
Its Sam's birthday today, and best fliend and i went through alot of trouble making a surprise for him as well as getting his gift. I hope he liked it though :) and we had good fun going through all the trouble. Happy birthday Samuel Low Yan Yun!!!
Mambo was awesome as usual on Wednesday. Think full house Zouk and excellent company on the dance floor. Bumped into a few familiar faces as well. Good stuff i say.
Finally got the full protection for my new lappie today. Its FLAMING RED and I LOVE IT!
One week almost over..
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